Technische Berechnungen & Beratung | Training | Schulung
Im Angebot finden Sie verschiedene Module, die je nach Situation oder Bedürfnis individuell zusammengesetzt werden können. Nehmen Sie Kontakt mit mir auf, ich berate Sie gerne! – precision in numerics, Owner: Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Herbert Baaser (Registered business address: Germany), would like to process personal data with external services. This is not necessary for using the website, but allows me to interact even more closely with them. If desired, please make a choice: – precision in numerics, Owner: Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Herbert Baaser (Registered business address: Germany), would like to process personal data with external services. This is not necessary for using the website, but allows me to interact even more closely with them. If desired, please make a choice: